Sunday, February 7, 2016

Where to Find Inspiration: Pictures

This is the first part of my "Where to Find Inspiration" series. A lot of people I know struggle with how and where to find inspiration to write. I also struggle with this sometimes. Whenever this happens to me is usually the worst times because when I have nothing to write about that's when I want to write.

I describe my feelings as having an itch to write. I need to write it feels like. I will get on my laptop open up a new Word document or grab one of my notebooks and I feel all read to write but then I realize that I have no ideas and I just stare at the blank screen or page and feel utterly stupid and useless. 

When I have a purpose or an idea to write I can power through ten plus pages in an hour. But when my muse leaves me I get nothing done, or I end up writing the same line over and over again in new forms trying to get something down on the paper.

Now with this inspiration ideas they won't always work. I don't have a magical elixir to solve writers block, This is just something that I try when I'm still left with a blank page. If you continue to stare at something and nothing comes to you let me give you one other piece of advice: Take a break. Go for a walk, get some water, grab a snack, call someone in your family. Just do something to distract yourself from your writing and when you come back to it the hours or a couple days later; your eyes are fresh and you're not so frustrated.

One area that might be able to help you find inspiration is to find pictures. I use Pinterest because that makes sense to me but you can literally use anything. Tumblr, facebook, twitter good old fashioned Google. Even finding some old books and looking at the pictures might get your mind working.

For my current book project I made a separate account just for my characters, the places, the different social classes. When I'm writing and I get to a road block I can log on and then look some things over and usually one of the pictures I find inspire me to work on a new scene of fix up an old one. (Link to Merchament Inspiration is here to help give you a guidline if you really like this method XD).

I hope that this helps with some of your writers block! Let me know if you do anything that I suggest or if you like what you see with my Merchament boards (more details to come of that project!) Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places. I'll write more about those in the next couple days. Thanks for reading everyone!

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